Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Semester

Can you guys believe it's 2010?!! It's crazy. I have so much going on this year. Festival in the fall, camps in the summer so much school to do, music, sports..... so much! I hope everyone had a great Christmas. It's been a really good start to the year so far for me. Everything is going great! I hope all you guys are doing well too.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Two words

My life can be summed up in two words right now. Crazy awesomeness. Festival is coming up in about a month. This my last year of watching. Next year I'll be the one up there shaking. :) My birthday is coming in a month as well. I can't believe I'll be fourteen. Weird.

Icy blue skies,
Soft, fresh breezes,
Crunchy leaves
And cold sunshine
Have all crept
Into the world, once again.
Crackling fires,
Hot chocolate,
Furry sweaters
And brown books
Announce, "Fall is back."

I need to go and breath in some of that fresh air that's outside. I hope you all are enjoying your lives as much as I'm enjoying mine!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Golf, school, music, and rain

Monday I went with golfing with my dad and shot the best round of my life, a 94. So my dad bought me some new golf clubs. They are so nice and I love playing with them. I've been doing school, like everyone. Not all that interesting. And music. Violin lessons, piano lessons, choir, church orchestra, and hand bells. And of course I have to practice, so the music load is back for the school year. And then there's the rain. It's been really rainy. I guess most of you know that. :) I like rainy weather, but the only sad thing is that because of all this water we had to cancel the volleyball clinic we were going to have for our youth group today. Oh well. I was kind of thankful it got canceled though because it was really nice to sleep in. Tomorrow should be a long but really good day. Going to church, then lunch, then vespers at BJ that Chip is in, then orchestra and choir practice at church, then another church service, and then a youth group parent/teen meeting. Yeah, really busy. But I'm so happy that that it's the Lord's day tomorrow. I am truly glad to go the house of the Lord and be refreshed by the preaching and encourged by the fellow believers. God is so wonderful to give us the opportunity to go to church! I hope you all have a wonderful afternoona and a blessed start to your week at the Lord's house.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Week

Started school Monday, and it went well. Thursday we had our first French class. Mom is teaching it and Clay, some kids from church, and I are in it. It was fun and we're gonna have it every Thursday morning. Yesterday I went over to a friend's house for the afternoon and then we went to a wedding at my church that my mom was in. She was a bridesmaid. It was a really pretty wedding and it was fun to get to talk with friends at the reception. I hope everyone is getting a good start to the school year!
Psalm 36:7-9
How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; And You give them to drink of the river of Your delights. For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Lizards and giraffe hair

Dad and Paiton got back from a two week trip to Madagascar, last night. Dad normally gets me something from the countries he visits. Things you couldn't buy in the US. Once it was a purse made from one of those huge lizards. Very cool. Well this time he got me a necklace. It's shaped like Africa and the inside of it is black giraffe hair! I'm wearing it right now. I like it a lot. Don't really know what's planned for today. I think Chip is getting home from his last week of camp. So tonight the whole family should be here. It's been weeks since we've all been in the same house or country. I hope you guys all have a great week end.
Psalm 8:3-6
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained;
What is man that You take thought of him,
And the son of man that You care for him?
Yet You have made him a little lower than God,
And You crown him with glory and majesty!
You make him to rule over the works of Your hands;
You have put all things under his feet,

Friday, August 21, 2009

Blue water, blue sky

Got back from my grandparent's house Wednesday at around six. Been swimming with the bros and playing football and I cleaned up my room this morning. Dad and Paiton are coming home tonight from Madagascar, so we are getting the house in order. This afternoon I was lying on my towel outside getting dried off after swimming. I just looked into the deep blue sky. Would you have thought of making the sky blue? And if you did, would you have thought of that creamy, fresh blue? Or what about the grass, would you have made it green? I am constantly amazed at the beauty of creation. The simple, pure beauty. What a wonderful reflection of God, the pure and beautiful Creator.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hey anyone who is reading this, :)
I guess I don't have all that much planned for today. Just trying to keep out of trouble, if that's possible. Last night was lots of fun. We played a some games, ate supper, watched a movie, and laughed. My grandma, mom and aunt just left to go shopping. Glad I'm not them, seeing that I hate shopping. So I found this really cool verse while reading in the Psalms this morning. Psalm 18:29 "For by You I can run upon a troop; And by my God I can leap over a wall." I thought that was really cool. With God all things are possible. Abide in Him and He will strengthen you.
